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.. first class service and attention to detail

.. first class service and attention to detail

Mr B.Browne : May I take this opportunity to thank you for the first class service and the attention to detail regarding my recent request for replacement items to match part of our now discontinued bathroom suite. Having received no satisfaction and help from the original manufacturer, you were able to supply and match superbly to the original damaged item. Your email help and pictures including measurements provided a superb service that was second to none. Thank you once again for your personal assistance in this matter. Kind regards

Mr B.Browne

coloured bathroom replacement items

Mr B.Browne

Mr B.Browne : May I take this opportunity to thank you for the first class service and the attention to detail regarding my recent request for replacement items to match part of our now discontinued bathroom suite. Having received no satisfaction and help from the original manufacturer, you were able to supply and match superbly to the original damaged item. Your email help and pictures including measurements provided a superb service that was second to none. Thank you once again for your personal assistance in this matter. Kind regards