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looking forward to another 60 years of hard flushing

looking forward to another 60 years of hard flushing

Parts arrived in good time and have been fitted. I am very pleased to say that the Armitage is now back in rude health, dispatching any potential log-jams with new found aplomb (aplumb?) and looking forward to another 60 years of hard flushing. Both the plumber and I are at a total loss to understand how the air extractor bomb makes the thing work but it does. Many thanks for your advice and help Regards,

M.Mckenna West Yorkshire

coloured bathroom replacement items

M.Mckenna West Yorkshire

Parts arrived in good time and have been fitted. I am very pleased to say that the Armitage is now back in rude health, dispatching any potential log-jams with new found aplomb (aplumb?) and looking forward to another 60 years of hard flushing. Both the plumber and I are at a total loss to understand how the air extractor bomb makes the thing work but it does. Many thanks for your advice and help Regards,