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thankyou very much for your help in solving my toilet seat problem

D.Orchard Gosport, Hants: I would just like to say thankyou very much for your help in solving my toilet seat problem, you were the only company that could and I have recommended you to all of my friends if they require any bathroom parts, fantastic service and fast and friendly.

Just a very big thank you for your help on my cistern.

Greta Stranks: Just a very big thank you for your help on my cistern.
Never had such service and it was all up and flowing the next day. How wonderful was that.
Will certainly recommend your company to anyone.
I am so grateful.

Colour sample arrived most efficiently on Saturday

A.Rooney: Colour sample arrived most efficiently on Saturday, and as you will see from the sample I sent you, it is an exact match, so without further ado, I phoned and spoke to your colleague, ordered the lid, and I understand it will arrive with us tomorrow!
A lot cheaper than a new bathroom suite, with which there is nothing wrong apart from this!
Many thanks for your excellent service

The basin arrived… spot on!

V.Garside: The basin arrived safe and well this morning, it’s spot on!
Thanks again for your time and trouble, I’d recommend your company to anyone!

Much cheaper than a new bathroom suite!

A.Ballantine: Many thanks for the toilet seat, it fits perfectly, the colour is great. Much cheaper than a new bathroom suite! Once again thank you so much.

.. amazed when several pieces of ceramic came through the post the next day

Thank you to for speedily and miraculously finding a new cistern in the right colour. Being pregnant and having to use the loo several times a night was bad enough, then we noticed a constant drip and a large crack down the back of the cistern, (at this point can I advise you not to try to silicon seal any cistern cracks!). We decided to turn off the water to the toilet so that the floor didn’t get damaged and use buckets to flush, not easy when you’re up 3 or 4 times a night!
We had also decided that we were going to sell the house, which of course you can’t really do with a leaking loo. Alas the corner bath suite, in very good nick apart from the dripping cistern, is a lovely shade of what I thought was champagne and finding anything but white was impossible. Finding a wonderful shade chart on revealed that “champagne” has a variety of shades and after making an e-mail enquiry with a picture attachment, was amazed when several pieces of ceramic came through the post the next day. A perfect match was found and a quick phone call had the team out hunting down a cistern that was not only the right colour but had the couplings in the right place.
A couple of days later the cistern (with fittings inside) were delivered by courier to my place of choice (work).  Very quickly it was installed and the flush activated much to our relief. The house sold very quickly and no-one has even noticed that the cistern is a slightly different shape.
I can only thank Brokenbog for helping out when we needed them most and keep recommending them to anyone with a slightly weird colour bathroom suite!

cheaper than expected!!

Andy: Cheers for the friendly and helpful service when I visited today. Colour is perfect, cistern fitted, family happy, me happy and cheaper than expected!! It was worth the trip from Norwich as it enabled me to consider other items and ensure a good colour match. Your communications were excellent and I felt that I as the customer was important!
Keep up the good work.

.. took away the fear of having to replace a bathroom

Bill Dodd: The plumber has just fitted your taps and they work like a dream.
Thank you very much for your efforts.
They took away the fear of having to replace a bathroom which suited us well because of a dripping tap!
Thank you again